Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas with Nana

Silly Nana- she came in from a 5 hour drive dancing up a storm with a funny hat! I'm not quite sure what Olivia thought of it. Hmmm....
I think Nana wished the song the hat played was a little shorter. By the end of the dancing hat, dancing Nana and the music she was done.

Christmas at Auntie Jennie's House

Grandma Sally came down from Atlanta to hang out with us until after mom's second surgery. It's been many years since we had Christmas with her. We were very excited to be able to spend some special time with her. She'll be turing 81 in 2011- I would have to say that Sal gal still has her groove on!

Christmas with Papa

Papa came down to spend christmas with us. Corey left Houston and was able to make it in just in time. Fun was had by all. Papa gave us a cool game called "Hot Potato". Olivia got pretty good at it and wasn't always the one caught with....Right Dad!!!!

Ms. O Caught Red Handed

Shhh! Don't tell Santa I was caught by mama going under the christmas tree! Just think I even messed up my hair. It started out good but then my hair just got in the way. That's what you call a bad hair day...

And for all that know Ms. O she always needs to be in a dress no matter what season it is. She must have went shopping in her own closet!